SiteMap Generator in Shared Hosting
The Hepsia Control Panel which we provide with our shared hosting packages includes a built-in sitemap generator software instrument that will enable you to generate a sitemap for each website hosted in the account with only a couple of clicks. The tool features an extremely intuitive point-and-click interface that comes with a couple of options depending on how detailed you'd like the sitemap to be. You could choose the depth and the maximum number of links to be listed. If you offer miscellaneous content on your website, you could also add and remove certain file extensions, which allows specific file types to be included or excluded from the sitemap. A drop-down menu will allow you to choose any domain or subdomain hosted within the account, so the sitemap file will be created right where it is needed and you will not need to do anything manually.
SiteMap Generator in Semi-dedicated Servers
Creating a sitemap will take just a couple of clicks when you host your Internet sites in a semi-dedicated server account from us since we offer an auto generation tool that will enable you to generate a sitemap by using a simple interface. The output file is search engine friendly and it'll be generated within the site folder where you want it. The generator will enable you to select how many links to be included in the sitemap and how many levels deep those links have to go. As a more advanced option you can also pick what file types to be present or not by inputting custom file extensions or removing some of the pre-specified ones. This way, you could customize the sitemap and incorporate any custom content which isn't part of a standard website for example documents. When needed, you could make a new sitemap anytime in case you perform a major update on your website.
SiteMap Generator in Dedicated Servers
In case you buy a dedicated server from our company and it is provided with the in-house built Hepsia website hosting Control Panel, you'll have a very user-friendly sitemap generator which will permit you to generate a sitemap for any site hosted on the server within seconds. The point-and-click interface will allow you to choose the total number of links which our system needs to crawl and how many levels deep these links need to be followed through the pages, which means that you can choose how detailed the sitemap will be. You could also add custom file extensions in addition to the default webpage ones and / or to remove any of the latter in order to customize the sitemap even more. The last option will be really helpful if you want specific content which is not normally part of a website to be present on the sitemap, so certain files will be indexed better by search engines.